Celestial Dynamics at High Eccentricities [Brumberg, 1999]
SME-SMAD reference
This book aims to extend the range of application of analytical and semi-analytical techniques of classical celestial mechanics for the case of motion in highly eccentric orbits. The technique, developed by the authors and described in detail here, is based on the traditional mean, true, or eccentric anomalies with the elliptic anomaly and corresponding Fourier expansions for Jacobi elliptic functions. It makes it possible to represent more effectively the motion of celestial objects in highly eccentric orbits, which until now has been studied mostly using numerical integration. The specific methodology described in the book is linked closely to mathematical software used widely in the West, and is therefore of relevance to researchers worldwide.
Primarily addressing itself to readers who are not satisfied by the possibilities of numerical integration and who are interested in studying highly eccentric orbits in more depth using analytical and semi-analytical techniques, this text is of specific
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